Gee - LBK had an experience caching in St Louis
similar to mine over at the Conners Bog Park
(which led me to archive Conners Bog #2):
Bolm-Schuhkraft GCZ64Z, at least those of us who are 'pack leaders'
have plenty of experience dealing with this kind of 'issue'
On a more serious note - when encountering this situation,
treat the cache container & its contents as haz mat -
don't touch it with bare hands - wear a face mask -
double-bag it before putting it in your car to transfer to trash.
Wash footwear and anything else 'contaminated' thoroughly,
paying special attention to your hands and face.
Approximately 80% of our local homeless population are
infected with or carriers of one of the hepatitius strains,
which is transferred via fecal contact. Yech - avoid the
homeless camps (especially along the south side of
Tudor Rd east of Seward Hwy, and sections off the
pavement of the Chester Creek bike path...). Report
homeless camps observed to the TrailWatch link on
the website - they'll act on your report.
Human waste is even more insidious at this time of
year than canine waste along our city trail system...